What is life like in the Netherlands?
Life is good here. The food is delicious, people are friendly, and I have all the space I need for my great passion: sports. There are many places where you can exercise for free, like at the beach. What also makes the Netherlands special is that you can get around quickly almost anywhere. All cities are easily accessible, thanks to public transportation.

Life is good here. The food is delicious, people are friendly, and I have all the space I need for my great passion: sports.

What do you find here that you didn't find in your home country?
First and foremost, the salary, of course. What I earn here is unimaginable in Bulgaria. Also, the standard of living here is much higher. Housing, for example, is fantastic. I have my own room but live with friendly roommates. We have an excellent relationship, and the same goes for my relationship with my colleagues. For all of this, I am grateful to SBA Flex. Thanks to them, my life has been very easy and pleasant from the start.
To everyone reading this: pack your bags and come work through SBA Flex. It’s absolutely worth it.