SBA Flex Recruitment Boogschutterstraat 5 5015 BX Tilburg The Netherlands
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What should people know before coming to the Netherlands?

Michael Christian:

People should know about the medical system, the taxes, and the overall lifestyle here. It’s very different from Romania. For example, here, you pay taxes, but at the end of the year, you can get some money back if you make the request. In Romania, we don’t get anything back.


Yes, and also social insurance. In Romania, you don’t pay for this every week, but here you do. It’s good to know because after a month, you can receive some benefits. And it’s important to understand that you’ll be working with people from many different countries, so you need to learn to cooperate and work with everyone.

How do you like working at Goedhart?

Michael Christian:

I like it at Goedhart because there’s a good atmosphere and strong cooperation among the team. The work is easy, and the team leaders are supportive.


I like working at Goedhart too. We started on the line, doing tasks like everyone else, but they gave both of us the opportunity to become machine operators. It’s a serious place to work, and if you have a problem, they fix it within a couple of days. I didn’t like the machine work at first, but now, after learning and growing, I really enjoy it.


We came to the Netherlands for a better life, and now, we have the opportunity to grow, learn, and create a future together.

What does your typical day at work look like?

Michael Christian:

In the morning, I go to work, change into my work clothes, and grab a coffee. Then, I prepare the line, get the cups ready, and make sure everything is set, like checking the pallets and doing a metal check. After that, I start the line to process the orders.


My day is similar. I arrive in the morning, get my clothes and coffee, and then go inside to prepare my machine. I also help the team leader on the line, making sure everything is ready. If I’m on the machine, I prepare it, change the foil, and make sure the cups are ready. I also work with others on the line when needed.

What do you like most about working at Goedhart?


I really enjoy the work. It’s a good job, and the company is serious about solving problems when they arise. I like being on the machine now, and I enjoy teaching others how to operate it. It took me some time, but after 5 or 6 months, I started to really enjoy it.

Michael Christian:

At first, you don’t know anything, but with time, you learn everything. That’s why I enjoy it now—I’ve grown in my role and learned new skills.

What advice would you give to people who want to join the team at Goedhart?


You have to work hard and be serious. What you give, you’ll receive. If you come here and work with dedication, you’ll have a good life and good opportunities.

Michael Christian:

Exactly. It’s about coming here for a purpose—working hard for your future and a better life.

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